The CSR activities we choose to support are usually initiatives that we observe in our closest environment. Check out the recent actions
we have been involved in.


Our actions

The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity

This year, we played together with WOŚP (the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity). For this occasion, we prepared auctions on our Allegro account, where we assembled sets of our merch, including hoodies, t-shirts, water bottles, neck gaiters, bags, etc. Our communication channels were our social media, which helped us reach people interested not only in our company but also in WOŚP.

The first set with a hoodie was the most popular and was eventually auctioned off for 320 PLN. The second set with a t-shirt went for 81 PLN!

Together, we managed to raise 401 PLN, which went to the Foundation’s account. Thank you everyone for your participation.

Math lessons for children from Foster Care Homes and Foster Families

Together with „Kairos” Foundation we opend a fundraiser for children from Foster Care Homes and Foster Families around Luban to support their educational path.

The fundraising took place in November and December 2023. We raised 781 PLN, „Kairos” Foundation added 419 PLN, making a total of 1200 PLN for Math lessons 

You can find the summary of this fundraiser on our facebook fanpage.

UPDATE (14.05.2024): From the funds collected, we have financed 14 hours of math lessons for 3 girls from foster care homes and foster families. The tutoring is still ongoing, as new donors have appeared thanks to shares of the campaign on social media (outside of the platform where the money was collected).

Grocery shopping for Ukrainians

At SafetyHeads, we raised funds to purchase essential items for mothers with children from a children’s home in Ukraine. At this time, they were staying in a place provided by the “Promyk Szczęścia” Foundation in Oborniki Śląskie, near Wrocław.

The fundraising took place in April and May 2022, and together, we collected 3,756 PLN, which allowed us to conduct four shopping cycles for them.

You can find the full report, divided into cycles and a summary, on our instagram account.

Supporting the auction for the golden medal of the
Men’s Volleyball World Championship for Michał

This action was an expression of support for a friend of one of our colleagues at SafetyHeads.

The auction for the golden medal of the Men’s Volleyball World Championship was stagnant, and funds for medical treatment were much needed, but the amount remained almost unchanged.

The way to boost the auction was to utilize our social media reach. In just 3 days, we managed to double the amount, all thanks to sharing the information and engaging people with good intentions – our small community that spread the auction further.

Holiday subsidies for the residents of the
“Nad Stawem” Children’s Home in Oborniki Śląskie

An internal initiative where we collectively raised the necessary funds for a trip to Opole for the children from the Children’s Home in Oborniki Śląskie.

To make the challenge interactive and fun, we decided to share a challenge for each milestone achieved in the donations, such as the tortilla challenge.

After the trip, we received heartfelt thanks and a photo report from the Children’s Home in Oborniki Śląskie.

Tree seedlings for Earth Day

On the occasion of Earth Day, we decided to plant 10 symbolic trees to join the fight for the protection of our planet.

As SafetyHeads, we wanted to contribute our “brick” to environmental initiatives, and in this case, we specifically focused on supporting reforestation in our country.

This way, 11.10 square meters of forest area will be filled with trees from SafetyHeads seedlings. It may be just a drop in the ocean, but after all, it’s the drops that make up something great.

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